Getting Started

Let’s Build a Roku Channel!

Running Stream makes it easy to put your content in a Roku channel. First, navigate to the homepage.

The homepage of

Running Stream homepage

If you’ve got an account sign in, if not, please sign up! We only need your email address and a password. We’ll send you an account verification email, then you’re on your way.

After signing in, you’ll see the main interface. From here you may create multiple channels, but only one may be active at any time. The active channel will be the one displayed when you use your Roku.

Create Your First Channel

  1. Type the name for your channel. Choose a name like, “graduation videos”, or “birthday collage”, or “baby’s favorite”, so you can remember the content in the channel.
  2. Click “create channel list”. The channel name will appear as a button.
  3. Click the new channel name to select the channel, then click “set active channel”.
Arrows pointing to the field and buttons you need to press to create your first channel

Selections required to create your channel

Add Some Media to Your Channel

Your channel will be selected and listed now. Your channel is a list of content, and it can contain videos, audio, or other sublists! Let’s create some now.

Let’s add a set of Pink Panther videos. These are described in the example content page.

Arrow pointing to the "add sublist" button

Adding a sublist

  1. Click the “add sublist” button, provide the following information:
  • Name: “Pink Panther”
  • Image URL:
  1. Click the arrow next to the new Pink Panther sublist to expand the list.
  2. Click the “add media” button that’s part of the Pink Panther sublist. This will add media within the Pink Panther list.
Arrow pointing to the "add media" button inside the Pink Panther sublist

Adding media to the Pink Panther sublist

  1. Provide the following information on the screen then click “Add Entry”:
  • Name: A Fly in the Pink
  • Image URL:
  • Media URL:
  • MP4
  1. Enter more videos from the pink panther section in the example content page if you’d like.

Congratulations! You’ve made a channel. Now let’s pull it up on the Roku.

Install the Roku Channel

Find the Running Stream channel in your Roku channel store, or visit the channel store in your browser and add it.

Once installed, open the channel. The login screen will display.

Running Stream Login Screen

Running Stream for Roku Login Screen

Select “login”, then enter the email address and password of your Running Stream account.

Pink Panther video list displayed in your channel

Your New Channel

After signing in, Running Stream will display your new channel! Only one sublist exists, so the channel will automatically open it, displaying your list of pink panther videos. Select one, sit back, and enjoy. Thank the Internet Archive for making these videos available.

Other Features

Running Stream contains some other helpful features, and has some others planned for future development: